Programs and Initiatives

AIA East Tennessee K-12 Committee Architectural Book Drive
Are you passionate about architecture and education? Do you have a few books that could use a good home? From April 15th to April 26th, bring your gently used or new books to BarberMcMurry Architects for AIA East Tennessee’s K-12 Architectural Book Drive! All the books collected during our drive will be donated to Knox County Schools, helping inspire and educate tomorrow’s architects. If you have questions regarding the drive or need assistance dropping off your donation, please contact our K-12 Outreach Committee Chair, Michael Travis, at mtravis@bma1915.com.

AIA East Tennessee K-12 Committee Wish List
Are you looking for a great way to make a positive impact in your community? Well, we’ve got just the thing for you! Consider supporting AIA East Tennessee’s K-12 Outreach Committee by purchasing an item or two from our Amazon Wishlist. By doing so, you’ll be helping us expand our outreach efforts in schools across our region and provide students with valuable educational resources.
Our wishlist includes various items, from books about architecture and design to hands-on building kits and tools. We’ve carefully selected each item on the list to support our mission of inspiring the next generation of architects and designers.
Whether you’re a member of the architecture and design community or simply someone who wants to make a difference, we invite you to check out our Amazon Wishlist and consider making a purchase! Your support will help us continue to provide valuable hands-on educational opportunities to K-12 students throughout East Tennessee. Visit bit.ly/aiaetnk12wishlist to check out our list, and visit aiaetn.org/k12 to learn more about our initiatives and ways to get connected!

AIA East Tennessee’s Future Faces of Design Scholarship to attend UTK College of Architecture and Design’s Summer Design Camp® 2024
Rising high school sophomores, juniors, seniors, or recent graduates within Tennessee and ages 15 years or older.
The American Institute of Architects East Tennessee Chapter is excited to announce that our Future Faces of Design Scholarship is open and ready to support students from historically underrepresented demographics in architecture. The Scholarship provides students with the opportunity to pursue their interest in the field, shape the future of the profession, and seek to improve the built environment.
The scholarship includes a one-time award for the cost of attending UTK College of Architecture and Design’s Summer Design Camp® 2024 and includes the cost of tuition and room and board.
Applications are being accepted now, until April 26th, 2024.

Knox Bricks and Blocks
Grades K-12
October 26th l Knox STEM Academy l 10 am – 12 pm
AIA East Tennessee invites kids ages 5-18 to work with architects and designers to create an architectural design for the future! (Project specifics coming soon!) Participants will be paired with a local design professional to walk through the programming phase to develop their own design. Master Builder Certificates will be issued upon completion of the program.
Registration is free and required.

Go To 2033
Grades 8-12
Approximately 4 weeks or 8 class periods
Go to 2033 is a planning tool. Based on the General Plan for Knoxville/Knox County, students will engage in the history of Urban Planning, learn about the 1909 Plan of Chicago, co-authored by Daniel Burnham and Edward H. Bennett and its continued influence on that city today. If there is a long-term plan for your city or county, the program will easily adapt to it, making it more relevant. Students are introduced to urban planning, landscape design, and design thinking as a problem-solving exercise. Additionally, students learn to understand the legal aspects of project planning, such as working with city/county officials. A problem is identified, teams develop solutions and present their findings in front of an architect and a government official. Teams may undertake actual projects, if there is sufficient time and support.

Build the Block
Grades 6 – Adult
1.5 – 2 hour single activity
Build the Block is a role-playing, decision-making game demonstrating architects’ impact on communities. In the game, a local architect will lead student teams to identify the best use of an empty, overgrown lot. Together, the team will analyze community metrics, strategize solutions, and make critical decisions related to improving the property. The ultimate goals is to build a facility that will most enhance the community.

Knoxville Bound
Varies, depending upon if entire books are read as part of the assignment
Grades 9 – 12
Knoxville Bound looks at the city from the perspective of famous writers who called Knoxville home. From James Agee to Cormac McCarthy, visit the places that influenced their stories and their lives–whether in person or via Google Maps! Read excerpts from their novels that talk about the city and see if you can discover the changes in the city that have come about since the period in which the stories were written.

Career Fairs
Grades 6 – 12
Career Fairs introduce students to architecture and design-related professions. AIA and AIA Associate members can share what a typical day in the life of an architect
K-12 Resources
Architectural Activities
- AIA K-12 Initiatives: https://www.aia.org/resources/154816-k-…
- Next cc activities: http://www.next.cc
- APA neighborhood scavenger hunt: https://www.planning.org/publications/document/9149254/
- AIA Cleveland at home camp: https://www.aiacleveland.com/home-archi…
- UTK Stem Spark: Tinyurl.com/STEMspark
- Local STEM stories. Videos of local interviews: https://sites.google.com/vols.utk.edu/easttnstemhub/resources-for-families-and-teachers/stem-stories
- National Building Museum Educational Activities: https://www.nbm.org/learn/
How to Become an Architect
- How to Become an Architect: https://www.ncarb.org/become-architect/destination-architect
- What is an Architect? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAr0fPr-emI
- I want to be an Architect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvewCudtFZs
- Guide to Helping Students Consider a Career in Architecture (resource for K-12 School Counselors and Educators): https://www.ncarb.org/press/new-resources-released-to-help-students-explore-careers-architecture
- Guide to a Career in Architecture (resource for the next generation of architects): https://www.ncarb.org/sites/default/files/GuidetoArchCareer.pdf