July Design Feed w/ Dr. Christopher Hunter & Corrin J. Breeding, ASLA, NOMA, ULI

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July Design Feed w/ Dr. Christopher Hunter & Corrin J. Breeding, ASLA, NOMA, ULI

July 23, 2024 @ 11:50 am 1:00 pm

Join AIA East Tennessee, ACS Printing, and Proficient Engineering for our July Design Feed with Dr. Christopher Hunter and Corrin J. Breeding from Dallas, TX.

Description: The purpose of this presentation is to introduce and begin to examine the existence, relationship, and meaning of the physical, spatial, and spiritual agency between a constructed black church house and a black cemetery in the Jim Crow south of the late 19th to early 20th century America.


HSW Justification: Aspects of architecture that engender demonstrable positive emotional responses from, or enable equal access by, users of buildings or sites. In this presentation, the application of ‘Welfare’ shall introduce the emotional and cultural relationship between African Americans and the church houses they constructed and the cemetery sites they created.

This presentation shall also look at the value of historic preservation applied to late 19th- and early 20th-century architecture and site design within the cultural aspects of African American cemeteries.

Learning Objectives:

  • Introduction to the value of Afrocentric building material culture.
  • Understanding the relationship between the Afrocentric religious experience from the living to the afterlife within a physical context.
  • Inquiry into the African American religious experience in introducing historical African worship practices.
  • Present an architectural examination of the stylistic forms of building design and a spatial examination of site design for the afterlife experience.

$10 – $25


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