Archives: Events

AIA East Tennessee Development Committee Meeting

via ZOOM

AIA East Tennessee's Development committee is tasked with formulating our annual package of partnership opportunities, manages special events such as the Summer Volleyball League, Golf Tournament, and Thunderbowl, and helps […]

AIA ETN Emerging Professionals Committee Meeting

Via Teams

AIA East Tennessee's Emerging Professionals Committee is a voice and resource for architecture students, recent graduates, and newly licensed architects. This committee is responsible for creating ARE prep course classes, AXP […]

Tri-Cities Drafting Club Happy Hour w/ Workspace Interiors

Yee-Haw Brewing Company, 126 Buffalo St, Johnson City, TN 37604, USA

Join other AIA Emerging Professionals, and Workspace Interiors, on September 14th from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at Yee-Haw Brewing Company, for some delicious drinks (alcoholic and na) and an opportunity to hang […]

PARK(ing) Day

Downtown, Knoxville, TN, USA

PARK(ing) Day returns to Knoxville on Friday, September 15th, 2023 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm! This annual event is an opportunity for Knoxville residents and businesses to display their […]

AIA East Tennessee JE+DI Committee Meeting

via ZOOM

AIA East Tennessee's JE+DI committee’s mission is to assist other committees and the Chapter with recognizing and eliminating institutional injustice, increasing the diversity of the profession and of future professionals, and fostering […]

AIA East Tennessee Programming Committee Meeting

via ZOOM

AIA East Tennessee Programming committee plans and coordinates the Chapter’s monthly programming, selecting speakers through a criteria-based system that includes HSW credit(s), sustainability, diversity, design excellence, and tangential disciplines to […]

AIA East Tennessee K-12 Outreach Committee Meeting

Via GoTo Meeting

AIA East Tennessee's K-12 Outreach committee focus is introducing architecture to primary and secondary students, broadening an understanding of the profession’s contributions to our communities, and encouraging and mentoring those […]

Design Feed: Anna Ives, AIA, Eric Hoffman, AIA, and Tony Patterson, ASSOC. AIA

Foundry On The Fair Site, 747 Worlds Fair Park Dr, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 700 Worlds Fair Park Dr, United States

Speakers: Anna Ives, AIA, Eric Hoffman, AIA, and Tony Patterson, ASSOC. AIA with Patterhn Ives LLC. Course Description: Join the partners of Patterhn Ives for three short stories that examine the timeless spirit […]