The Friend of Architecture Award is bestowed on an individual or organization that has demonstrated significant support to architecture but is not a practitioner or architectural firm.
The Board evaluates candidates based on how well they meet this criterion, which includes how their contributions have:
- Demonstrated great support of architecture an/or architects in the public realm.
- Had a positive, cumulative effect on the profession.
- Supported the future of architecture, while honoring its tradition.
- Is or was widely known by architects for their role in contributing to the profession.
Nomination Information
- Nominations shall be made by an Active AIA East Tennessee Member with a minimum of 2 additional supporting signatures from members, not including employees, co-workers or staff of the nominee.
- Nomination shall be submitted as a single PDF file, addressed to the Board President explaining the nomination. Upload the pdf via the form below.
- Nominations must be submitted by August 16th at 5pm via the form below. If you have any issues accessing or utilizing the nomination form, please email
- This honor is based on merit, there is no expectation that it is granted every year.
Previous AIA East Tennessee Friend of Architecture Award recipients:

2021 Loy Waldrop
During his 46-year law career in Knoxville, Loy Waldrop came to be recognized as the go to lawyer for area design professionals. Upon his retirement in June of 2019, he had at assisted the vast majority of East Tennessee Architects and engineers with contract negotiation, pursuit of unpaid design fees, advocating designer interests before various government bodies, and handling design liability claims.

2019 David Dewhirst
David Dewhirst was a pioneer in the early redevelopment of downtown Knoxville. His thoughtful building projects respect the historic architecture while also promoting modern adaptive reuse. David’s work will continue to inspire other responsible development and enhance the value of the Knoxville for years to come.

2018 Suzanne Wedekind
As an educator and program creator, Suzanne Wedekind has encouraged students to consider architecture and related design professions since 2004. Suzanne gained national recognition for this Chapter through her work and aided in introducing design skills earlier than ever before.

2017 Jack Neely
As an author, columnist, speaker, and tour guide, Jack Neely’s work enhances public perception of the profession and places architecture squarely in the center of the both the history and contemporary development of Knoxville as a vital form of cultural expression.

2015 Ann Bennett
Ann Bennett’s distinguished career in regional planning displays unyielding support for the preservation of Knoxville’s architectural heritage. As a regional planner, Ann’s advocacy for the preservation of historic buildings and neighborhood conservation laid the foundation for today’s strong regional historic preservation program.

2014 Madeline Rogero
As Mayor of the great City of Knoxville and through her previous accomplishments as
a planner and leader of community development efforts, Madeline Rogero’s advocacy for healthy neighborhoods, sustainable development, and civic engagement have significantly improved the quality of life for those in our region through design.

2012 Kim Trent
The Friend of Architecture Award was presented to Kim Trent, Executive Director of Knox Heritage. Kim served with such dedication on the Knox Heritage Board that when it became time to hire their first Executive Director in 2003, she was the obvious choice. Her commitment to the preservation of Knoxville and the surrounding area’s historic gems has led to the understanding that preservation doesn’t obstruct progress, but is progress.

2011 Joe Johnson
As President of the University of Tennessee, Joe Johnson requested a presentation for every design project on campus- “Go show Dr. Joe.” His guidance, wisdom, and wit enhanced the University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design through his involvement with the Dean’s Advisory Council.